The controversy over the official residence of the Delhi Chief Minister, which was once occupied by Arvind Kejriwal, has heated up ahead of the assembly elections. The BJP has dubbed the property at 6 Flag Staff Road as “Sheesh Mahal” or the “Palace of Mirrors,” accusing the AAP leader of hypocrisy and misuse of public funds.
BJP Alleges Extravagance
Delhi BJP President Virendraa Sachdeva claimed the bungalow cost ₹3.75 crore, featuring a gym, sauna, jacuzzi, and luxurious fittings. He posted online, “Kejriwal has turned a government house into a 7-star resort by embezzling public money.
He also claimed to have incurred ₹1.9 crore for marble granite lighting, ₹1.5 crore in civil works, and ₹35 lakh for gym and spa fixtures. Sarcastically mocking Kejriwal‘s “aam aadmi“ (common man) tag, Sachdeva said that he went back on his promise of simple living.
AAP Fires Back at Accusations
AAP leaders termed the allegations as baseless. Former Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia criticised the BJP for diverting attention from real issues. “Instead of talking about mismanagement of schools and hospitals in states they govern, they are obsessing over Kejriwal‘s former residence,” Sisodia said.
The AAP defended Kejriwal, saying the allegations were politically motivated and intended to shift attention from governance failures in BJP-ruled states.
CBI Probe into Bungalow Renovation
The BJP had accused Kejriwal of anomalies in the renovation of the bungalow at ₹45 crores earlier this year. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) launched an investigation into alleged breaches of tender procedure in the construction of the building. Still, no case has been formally registered till date, depending on the findings of the inquiry.
He has rejected all accusations stating that nothing wrong had been done during the renovation process. He invited any inquiry into the issue and alleged that the BJP was trying to demolish the AAP.
Election Strategy at Play?
The growing controversy is seen as a political manoeuver by the BJP to challenge AAP‘s governance in the polls. The AAP continues to tout its developmental activities in Delhi as it sets up for a high-voltage electoral battle.