Actor Vijay from Tamil Nadu became the latest celebrity to declare his political party in Tamil Nadu on Friday. With a pledge to “fundamental political change” and transparent, caste- and corruption-free administration, Tamil star Thalapathy Vijay announced the creation of his political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, on Friday.

Vijay’s father, the ambitious film director S A Chandrasekhar, has long been associated with his desire to get into politics. A clear sign of his intentions was initially revealed in June of last year, several months after he cut ties with his father, when he showed up to a student demonstration in Chennai. There, he called on schoolchildren to beg their parents not to take money from politicians in exchange for votes and to educate themselves about political figures like B R Ambedkar, Periyar E V Ramasamy, and K Kamaraj, therefore initiating a heated debate.

Through the press release he released to create the political party, Vijay effectively outlined his political stance, and news of the top actor’s political debut emerged. “We are making an application to the EC to register our party, ‘Tamizhaga Vetri Kazhagam,'” the actor stated in a statement. We seek to bring about the fundamental political transformation that the people desire by running for and winning the upcoming 2026 assembly elections.”

The party intends to hold public gatherings and events once the Election Commission gives its license. They will introduce a flag and party symbol, as well as their policies, tenets, and action plans, during these meetings.

From 1984 until 1998, Vijay participated in five films directed by his father, SA Chandrasekhar, as a child performer. He goes by Joseph Vijay Chandrasekhar in real life.The Kalaimaamani Award, one of Tamil Nadu’s greatest accolades in the arts, has been given to him. To engage in charitable endeavors, the actor founded Vijay Makkal Iyakkam, his fan club, in 2009.