Recently, the Delhi government, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has been targetting the the Bharatiya Janata Party for rising crimes in Delhi. On Monday, AAP leader Saurabh Bhardwaj criticised Union Home Minister Amit Shah over the deteriorating law and order situation in the national capital, stating that gangs and gangsters have become increasingly active, demanding ransom money for protection.

According to Bhardwaj this situation in Delhi is unprecedented. He remarked that nowadays, a woman cannot even walk in her own colony, and a person cannot park their vehicle outside their house without fearing theft.

The minister emphasised that this issue affects the public directly and that residents of Delhi expect an explanation from the Union Home Minister.

“Today in Delhi, a woman holding a phone in her hand cannot walk in her colony without fearing it will be snatched. A person cannot park their vehicle outside their house without worrying it will be stolen. Delhi has moved beyond petty crimes. Gangs and gangsters are now active, demanding ransom money for protection,” Bhardwaj said.

“This is unprecedented in Delhi. This is not an election issue but a public concern, and the people of Delhi demand answers from the Union Home Minister,” he added.

Earlier in the day, AAP leader Manish Sisodia also criticised the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its handling of law and order in Delhi.

Sisodia noted that while Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had successfully addressed key issues such as schools, electricity, and hospitals, the law and order situation under Home Minister Amit Shah’s leadership had deteriorated.

“The people of Delhi entrusted Kejriwal ji with responsibilities such as improving schools, electricity, and hospitals. He delivered–government hospitals are better, there is a 24-hour power supply, zero electricity bills, and government schools are performing fantastically. On the other hand, the responsibility for law and order was given to Amit Shah and the BJP,” Sisodia said.

“But what has happened under his watch? Law and order have worsened–murders and shootouts are taking place. People feel that Amit Shah is unable to handle the situation,” he added.

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Sisodia further claimed that the people of Delhi are increasingly frustrated with the BJP’s failure to address these issues. “In this election, the people are sending a warning to Amit Shah–either improve law and order, or they will know how to address it themselves,” he added.