The Delhi High Court on Monday sought responses from Tihar Jail authorities and the Enforcement Directorate to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s request for two more virtual meetings with his lawyers in a week. Kejriwal is currently in judicial custody in money laundering and corruption cases associated to the alleged excise policy scam.

The AAP Leader, who is in judicial custody in the money-laundering and corruption cases linked to the Liquor policy “scam”—moved the high court to overturn a trial court’s order that denied his request for two additional videoconference meetings with his lawyers in a week.

Kejriwal has stated that he has 30-35 cases outstanding against him, requiring meetings and negotiations with his attorneys. Kejriwal is currently permitted two sessions with his attorneys every week.

Advocate Zoheb Hossain, representing the ED, stated that he intended to submit a reply. The attorney representing the Tihar Jail administration stated that he, too, desired to file a reply.

The attorney representing the Tihar Jail administration stated that he, too, desired to file a reply. On the court’s question about the objection to the CM’s plea, the counsel stated that the rule is the same for everyone and that a prisoner is entitled to two sessions with his or her advocate every week.

The ED detained Kejriwal on March 21 in a money-laundering case related to the Delhi excise scheme. On June 25, the Delhi High Court halted a trial court ruling that granted him bail in the ED case.