Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was brought out of the courtroom when his blood sugar dropped, and he was provided with tea and biscuits in the Ahlmad room. Earlier in the day, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) formally arrested Arvind Kejriwal, who also serves as the AAP national convenor, regarding the Delhi excise policy case. The CBI presented Kejriwal before Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court on Wednesday.
#WATCH | Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal was brought out of the courtroom for tea and biscuits after his sugar level dropped. He was taken to the Ahlmad room.
Related News— ANI (@ANI) June 26, 2024
The trial court had initially granted bail to Kejriwal on June 20, setting his release on a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh. The Delhi excise policy, which was scrapped in 2022 following the lieutenant governor’s directive for a CBI investigation, has been at the center of these allegations. The CBI and ED assert that irregularities were committed during the modification of the policy, with undue favours allegedly extended to license holders.