As the Haryana assembly elections approach, the Congress party has rolled out seven major promises that will be part of its manifesto. These include bringing back the Old Pension Scheme, creating two lakh jobs, conducting a caste survey, and offering 300 units of free electricity along with free medical treatment up to Rs 25 lakh.

Party Chief Mallikarjun Kharge announced these guarantees, which aim to benefit women, youth, the poor, and farmers. Key highlights include:

For Women: A monthly allowance of Rs 2,000 for women above 18 and gas cylinders at a reduced price of Rs 500.

Social Security: Increased pensions for the elderly, disabled, and widows to Rs 6,000.

For Youth: Commitment to provide 2 lakh confirmed jobs and initiatives to create a drug-free Haryana.

For Families: 300 units of free electricity and free medical treatment up to Rs 25 lakh.

For Farmers: A legal guarantee of minimum support price and quick compensation for crop losses.

For the Poor: Affordable housing with a ‘Rs 10 gaz plot’ and a two-room flat for Rs 3.5 lakh.

For Backward Classes: A caste survey and raising the creamy layer limit to Rs 10 lakh.

Also read: BJP MP Stands by Allegations of Illegal Land Allotment to Mallikarjun Kharge’s Trust

The elections for the 90-member Haryana legislative assembly are set for October 5, with results to be announced on October 8. Congress leaders, including Haryana Congress chief Udai Bhan, are confident about winning and promise to restore Haryana to its former glory as a leading state in sports, agriculture, infrastructure, and investment.