Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar on Friday voiced a strong condemnation of offensive remarks directed at women leaders. Sources from the Chief Electoral Office of Maharashtra that Kumar called for “timely and stern action” against any derogatory statements made by candidates, emphasizing the importance of preserving the dignity and respect of women in public discourse.

During a detailed review meeting with District Election Officers, Police Commissioners, Superintendents of Police, Municipal Commissioners, and Returning Officers, the CEC expressed grave concern over the increasing use of language that undermines the honor of women in politics. The review meeting served as a platform for Kumar to underline the Election Commission’s commitment to respectful campaign conduct, particularly regarding the treatment of women in leadership positions.

According to sources, Kumar firmly reminded political parties and candidates of their responsibility to avoid actions or statements that could be seen as demeaning to women. He underscored that political criticism should not encroach upon any aspects of private life unrelated to public activities, and that low-level personal attacks should be completely off-limits in the campaign discourse.

The CEC directed officials to ensure that any derogatory comments or actions in violation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) should prompt immediate and strong responses. Kumar urged authorities to remain vigilant and take appropriate measures to protect the dignity of women, stressing that any language disrespectful to women would not be tolerated under the MCC’s provisions.

Kumar expressed hope that all candidates and party leaders would elevate their rhetoric and demonstrate respect towards women, both in their speeches and interactions with the public. This call for accountability reflects the Election Commission’s stance on fostering a more inclusive and respectful electoral environment, prioritizing the dignity of women in political spaces.

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This directive follows the Election Commission of India’s ongoing efforts to curb disrespectful language in political campaigns. Earlier in April 2024, the Commission had issued notices to political leaders across various states for making offensive remarks against women, highlighting its consistent commitment to ensuring respectful campaign practices across the country.