Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Sunday criticized the Congress and the Samajwadi Party (SP) for their stance on reservation policies, accusing them of colluding to oppose legislation that would provide quotas in promotions for Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) during the Congress-led UPA government. Speaking at a press conference, she emphasized that these parties should refrain from discussing reservations given their past actions.

Mayawati expressed her support for the Central government’s bills on ‘one nation, one election,’ arguing that such measures would reduce expenses and ensure that public welfare initiatives continue without interruption. She called on other political parties to back this initiative.

BSP leader also demanded that reservations for SC, ST, and OBC

The BSP leader also demanded that reservations for SC, ST, and Other Backward Classes (OBC) be included in the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution to protect them from judicial review. “During discussions in the Lok Sabha, both the ruling party and the opposition, particularly the Congress and SP, have made many baseless claims regarding the reservation issue, which are devoid of truth,” she stated.

Mayawati lamented that the Congress and SP had previously opposed the Constitutional Amendment Bill related to reservations in promotions for SC and ST, recalling that the bill was torn and discarded by SP members in Parliament. She criticized the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its “anti-reservation mentality,” suggesting that this attitude has hindered the passage of important legislation.

Reflecting on the recent discussions in Parliament regarding the “glorious journey of 75 Years of the Constitution of India,” Mayawati asserted that the Constitution’s effectiveness hinges on the ruling class’s ability to provide employment and justice to the citizens. She stated, “The Constitution has not failed; rather, the people and parties in power have failed it due to their narrow-mindedness and casteist politics.”

Mayawati further warned that any amendments to the Constitution aimed at benefiting a specific party or individual would face strong opposition from the BSP. She reiterated her party’s commitment to the poor and oppressed, welcoming the BJP government’s related bills on ‘one nation, one election.’

In conclusion, she urged all political parties to rise above partisan interests and work collaboratively for the benefit of the country and its citizens. The BSP has faced a steady decline in electoral support in recent years and currently holds only one Rajya Sabha seat in Parliament.