An important meeting of Bhajanlal Cabinet has been called on Saturday at 2 pm. In this meeting, the government can take many big decisions. In this, the cancellation of Sub Inspector Recruitment Exam 2021 may be approved. The reason for this is that the committee of ministers has given a report to cancel the recruitment.

On the basis of the report of the sub-committee of ministers, the Home Department has sent a proposal to cancel the SI recruitment to the CM. Now a decision is to be taken in the cabinet on this. Therefore, it is believed that a decision can be taken on this in the cabinet meeting.

The deadline of the High Court has been completed. During the next hearing in January, the government has to present the status report along The High Court recently had ordered the government to decide on the SI recruitment exam in two weeks with the reply in the High Court. In such a situation, now the decision on cancellation of SI recruitment is expected soon.

The committee has recommended taking the exam of the candidates of 2021 again. Also, recommended cancellation of recruitment. Along with this, the committee has also recommended a fresh exam for the 2021 applicants. The committee of ministers had admitted that there was massive rigging in the SI recruitment.

Given the argument of many dummy candidates sitting and cases of paper leak coming to light, the committee of ministers had recommended cancellation of the recruitment


Fresh Exams proposed

  • On the basis of the report of the sub-committee of ministers, the Home Department has sent a proposal to cancel the SI recruitment to the CM.
  • The High Court recently had ordered the government to decide on the SI recruitment exam in two weeks
  • Along with this, the committee has also recommended a fresh exam for the 2021 applicants.