The BJP is intensifying its criticism of the remarks made by Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi. Meanwhile, the former Chief Minister of Rajasthan Ashok Gehlot, defending Rahul Gandhi, launched a big attack on RSS on Thursday. Gehlot has supported Rahul Gandhi’s recent statement on the RSS, describing it as a warning to the country about the deteriorating conditions. Gehlot stated that Gandhi’s remarks were completely accurate, emphasizing that there is an atmosphere of fear in the nation where people are afraid to voice their opinions. He criticized the BJP and RSS for allegedly pressuring national institutions over the past decade, aiming to bring them under their control.
Gehlot claimed that central agencies such as the ED, CBI, Income Tax, and Delhi Police, along with independent bodies like the Election Commission, are now functioning under the influence of the government. He pointed out that even Supreme Court judges have spoken out about the pressure on the judiciary, reflecting widespread concern over the biased functioning of these institutions.
Gehlot reiterated that Gandhi’s criticism of the RSS on Wednesday was justified, highlighting the group’s long-standing intention to align with the government. He noted that the RSS had historically sided with the British during the freedom struggle, furthering its agenda to control institutions and turn them against the opposition and the public.
The former CM also referenced a recent Supreme Court remark on the ED’s conduct, where it was stated that the agency’s purpose seemed to be merely to incarcerate people by labelling them as accused. Gehlot interpreted this as clear evidence of the central government using the ED to intimidate and control the public, further intensifying concerns over the country’s political environment.
He accused the BJP of attempting to divert attention from critical issues like inflation and unemployment by misrepresenting Gandhi’s remarks and tarnishing his image through media manipulation. Gandhi, during the inauguration of the Congress party’s new office on Wednesday, had called RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat’s comment—claiming that India gained true independence only after the construction of the Ram temple—an act of treason. Gandhi linked Bhagwat’s statement to the country’s independence, sparking political tensions between the BJP and Congress. Many senior Congress leaders, including former Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel, defended Rahul and criticized the RSS and BJP. Given the current political climate, Gandhi’s remarks are likely to fuel even more heated exchanges between the two parties in the coming days.
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