Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) national convener, Arvind Kejriwal, unleashed a bitter attack on Union Home Minister Amit Shah and the Delhi Police for supposedly diluting the law and order situation in the city on January 22, 2025. According to Kejriwal, Amit Shah has taken control of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) election campaign, and that the law enforcement machinery of Delhi was abetting it.

Delhi Police Allegedly Deployed for BJP Campaign

Arvind Kejriwal said, “Amit Shah has taken charge of the BJP’s election campaign, and the entire Delhi Police force has been pulled out from enforcing law and order in the city. Instead, they are now working to push BJP’s agenda.” The Delhi Chief Minister further accused that police officers are stationed at key election campaign spots to ensure that voters get incentives such as money and sarees, which are being distributed by BJP workers.


According to Kejriwal, the police’s involvement in these activities marks a grave collapse of the National Capital’s law and order situation. He noted that instead of upholding public order, the Delhi Police is being used as a tool for the BJP’s political gain.

Police Allegedly Disrupting AAP Events

Kejriwal has also mentioned that SHOs who are the station house officers, in charge of local police stations, have privately told him that they are receiving instructions from MHA to scuttle the meetings. “Police bring the goons from BJP to attend these programs and let them commit hooliganism”, he alleged with this charge pointing toward the use of law enforcement as an instrument to foment trouble at the AAP gathering sites.

Intimidation and Fear Tactics Against AAP Supporters

In his press statements, Kejriwal underlined the sense of fear that has gripped the city. He charged Delhi Police with threats to AAP workers and supporters to deter them from supporting the party. “An atmosphere of fear has been deliberately created to dissuade people from voting for AAP,” he claimed.

The AAP leader stated his reservations about the coming election, fearing that he said the voters may be stopped from casting their ballots on the day of the polls. “I am scared that on the day of polling, they will not let people vote,” Kejriwal added while demanding a transparent and fair process of the election.

The elections being close, AAP and BJP continue to flare up against each other by leveling charges of unfair practices and interference.