The EC officials checked Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s bag after his helicopter landed at the Palghar Police ground helipad. This comes after Shivsena UBT chief Uddhav Thackrey’s bag were been checked twice this week by the Election Commision officials under the model code of conduct. It was first checked on Monday at yavatmal’s wani helipad and then at latur helipad.
In both the videos which went viral on social media uddhav Thackeray is seen clearly asking those officials whether they check the bags of PM Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, CM Eknath Shinde and deputy CM Devendra fadanavis while they are on their visit to addres a public rally i Maharashtra. He further went on to say, “send me the videos of PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah’s bags being checked “.
Today in the afternoon Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde’s bags were been checked in Maharashtra’s palghar district at police ground helipad by EC officials. The video has gone viral on social media where the bags in the helicopter of cm eknath shinde are being checked. Earlier in the day the Maharashtra BJP said in a post on X that devendra Fadnavis’ bags were checked at Yavatmal on November 7 and at Kolhapur on November 5, but he didn’t make an issue out of it.
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