Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s three-day CBI remand in the Delhi Excise Policy case prompted the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to announce that its MPs would boycott President Droupadi Murmu’s upcoming address to Parliament. This marks the first such address under the third National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government. Following the President’s speech, both Houses of Parliament will discuss a motion of thanks.
AAP leader Sandeep Pathak emphasized the importance of upholding the supremacy of the President and the Constitution, especially in the face of perceived injustice. He stated, “Today we will protest in the Rajya Sabha against the arrest of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and we will boycott the President’s address.” Pathak clarified that while AAP will boycott, discussions with other INDIA alliance parties regarding similar protests have not taken place.
Meanwhile, the Rouse Avenue Court of Delhi ordered Kejriwal’s CBI remand until June 29, 2024, granting limited visitation rights and allowing him to carry prescribed medications. During the court proceedings, Kejriwal denied allegations made by the CBI against him involving his colleague Manish Sisodia, asserting their innocence and condemning media attempts to tarnish their reputation.
In a separate development, the Delhi High Court intervened by staying a bail order issued by the trial court for Kejriwal, citing procedural concerns under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
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