Elon Musk shared an AI-generated video on Monday showcasing global leaders and celebrities in a futuristic fashion show. The video featured Prime Minister Narendra Modi, US President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama, all dressed in creative and avant-garde outfits.
Musk, CEO of X, SpaceX, and Tesla, described the video as “an AI fashion show.” PM Modi was shown confidently in stylish sunglasses, white shoes, and a colorful patchwork outfit. Other highlights included Obama in various costumes, Putin in a Louis Vuitton suit, and Biden in a wheelchair with sunglasses.
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The video also featured Kim Jong Un in a sweatshirt with a gold necklace, Nancy Pelosi in a Supreme dress, Justin Trudeau in a dress, and Tim Cook with an iPad. Xi Jinping appeared with a purse.
Musk also debated on X with Vinod Khosla about the future of the Democratic Party after Biden’s decision not to seek re-election. Khosla suggested a more moderate candidate, while Musk responded with enthusiasm for Trump.