As harsh weather plagued the midwestern USA on Tuesday, a formed tornado lashed through the southern Indiana.

The tornado managed to destroy roof of the house. As per Daily Mail, this devastating storm pattern continues to persist.

According to drone footage video, a twister continues to spin in the west of Georgetown, Indiana. This disaster happened at around 1 pm on Tuesday.

As per viral video, the tornado destroyed the parts of some structures. which resulted in the flying of sent debris.

According to storm chasers, it even lashed through the roof, so much so, it threw it 100 feet high in the air.

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According to fox weather report, tornado watch has been enabled in the parts of Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. This has been in effect due to presence of severe storms accompanied with tornadoes hail and heinous winds. Earlier on Tuesday evening, a tornado warning was issued at Georgetown.

Meanwhile, as the video went viral, many users panicked and were shocked tornado’s sheer destruction level.

One netizen said, ‘I hope people and animals are fine!’, Another in panic said, ‘This is like a disaster.’

Third user commenting on tornado said, ‘It’s twisted.’