Imran Khan, the former prime minister of Pakistan, who has been in detention since May 2023, revealed that he was offered the chance of a three-year exile, which he decisively rejected. In the post on social media platform X, Khan said, “I was given the opportunity of three-year exile while I was in Attock Jail, but I will live and die in Pakistan.” He also added that his residence in Bani Gala, Islamabad, was offered to him where he refused that offer as well. Khan stated that he was more concerned about the release of his detained party workers and leaders than his personal situation. His party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has been under intense political turmoil since Khan’s arrest on charges related to corruption involving land bribes. Furthermore, Khan is also facing anti-terrorism charges for incidents that occurred after his May 2023 arrest, when his supporters staged violent protests.
Khan condemned the “authoritarian era” in Pakistan, arguing that the country had witnessed a degradation of personal freedoms and violation of legal rights. He used the example of former Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Minister Khalid Khurshid, who was sentenced to 34 years in prison, to show how the rule of law has broken down. Khan further argued that Pakistan is now under an “undeclared dictatorship.
The former prime minister also reacted to reports of possible intervention by the incoming US administration, led by Donald Trump, for his release. Khan expressed hope that Trump would remain neutral, unlike President Joe Biden, who Khan claims, influenced his ousting through a no-confidence vote.
During negotiations, Khan repeated that his demands include the formation of a judicial commission to investigate the incidents of November 26, 2024, and May 9, 2023, and the release of political prisoners. He has set January 31 as the deadline for the government to respond to his demands, stating that his campaign to boycott remittances will continue unless meaningful progress is made.
The second round of talks between the PTI and the government ended with an agreement to carry on dialogue in the next week.