External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, on Thursday, addressed the recent SCO Summit, underscoring India’s contributions since joining in 2017 during the Kazakh presidency. He noted India’s completion of a full cycle of presidencies, hosting both the Council of Heads of Government Meeting in 2020 and the Council of Heads of State Meeting in 2023.

Dr Jaishankar congratulated Iran on its membership and expressed condolences for the tragic helicopter crash involving President Raisi. He also welcomed Belarus as a new member, congratulating President Lukashenko.

Amidst global challenges like the pandemic, conflicts, and rising tensions, Dr. Jaishankar emphasized the SCO’s principle-based approach, highlighting mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, and non-interference. He stressed the importance of combating terrorism, calling for decisive action against cross-border terrorism and urging the international community to isolate countries harboring terrorists.

Addressing climate change, Dr. Jaishankar outlined India’s initiatives to reduce emissions, transition to alternate fuels, and build climate-resilient infrastructure. During India’s presidency, a Joint Statement on emerging fuels and a Concept Paper on de-carbonization in the transportation sector were approved.

He emphasized the need for robust connectivity to foster economic development, advocating for respect for sovereignty and non-discriminatory trade rights. Dr. Jaishankar also highlighted India’s technological initiatives, including a National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence and the ‘AI for All’ mission.

Highlighting India’s deep ties with Central Asia, he noted the country’s people-centric approach to SCO cooperation. Events organized during India’s presidency included the SCO Millet Food Festival, SCO Film Festival, and International Conference on Shared Buddhist Heritage.

Dr Jaishankar concluded by emphasizing the SCO’s role in fostering unity and collaboration. He congratulated Kazakhstan for successfully hosting the summit and extended best wishes to China for its upcoming presidency.