MUMBAI: Ranveer Singh’s new film ‘83’ has left filmmaker Karan Johar awestruck. On Wednesday night, ‘83’ makers held a grand premiere for the film industry in Mumbai. The special screening was attended by Karan, Alia Bhatt, Mini Mathur, Janhvi Kapoor, and Rohit Shetty among many others. After watching the Kabir Khan directorial, Karan could not resist praising the film.
He took to Instagram and wrote, “It’s not easy to tell a true story … an actual account of a milestone event in Indian Sport History! There is no room for cinematic licenses and distortion of facts for dramatic impact… which is exactly why #83thefilm is such a monumental achievement …. It sucks you into that year… that World Cup, that team, that political climate, that mad fandom frenzy… I saw myself rooting for every member of that historic team… Laughing and crying with each one of them … I saw myself rooting for Kabir Khan and his maestro ability of story telling…. Taking an arduous task and perfecting it like a mega methodical master.”
Heaping praises on Ranveer, Karan added, “Salute! I saw myself believing that @ranveersingh had transformed into the Legend Kapil Dev with the ease and genius of a bonafide veteran! He is so so good that’s it’s almost unbelievable at so many points! Restrain and power all at once! He has hit it out of the stadium!My hugest congratulations to the entire cast, crew and all the proud producers of this magnificent movie.”