Actor Khushi Kapoor received heartfelt birthday wishes from filmmaker Zoya Akhtar on Sunday. Taking to Instagram, she shared a monochrome picture of Khushi from the sets of ‘The Archies’ which she captioned, “Happy Birthday Betty @khushi05k #behindthescenes #coverthetattoo #thearchies @thearchiesonnetflix.”
In the picture, Khushi could be seen dressed up as her character Betty.
Khushi is all set to make her acting debut in Zoya Akhtar’s film ‘The Archies’ which will be streaming on the OTT platform Netflix. Agastya, the grandson of megastar Amitabh Bachchan, and Suhana, the daughter of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, make their acting debuts in the movie as well. Aditi Saigal, Vedang Raina, and Mihir Ahuja are also featured. The Archies gang recently announced the release date by taking to Mumbai’s streets. A coming-of-age musical called “The Archies” transports viewers to the made-up hilly town of Riverdale while chronicling the lives of Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Ethel, and Dilton.
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