On the occasion of Legendary actor Dev Anand’s 100th birth anniversary today, Zeenat Aman took to her official Instagram handle and penned a heartfelt note along with throwback pictures. She shared two pictures from her iconic Dum Maaro Dum song from the film Hare Krishna Hare Ram (1971) and Heera Panna (1973) and penned a heartfelt note along with it. She wrote, “Celebrating 100 years of Dev saab. Stylish, suave, and prolific, he was a dynamo beyond compare. And what generosity of talent! He sparked careers (mine included), brought together creative heads, and made films that resonated across generations. It gladdens my heart to see his legacy honoured an entire century since his birth. In recent days, I’ve been overwhelmed with requests for comments about him but there is little to add to what I’ve already said.”
Further, she wrote, “Though, I posted a three-part series about him just a few weeks ago, I can’t resist the nostalgia of these two frames from our earliest films together. They will be instantly recognisable to my older followers, but I’m not so sure about you younger lot!”
Take a look at Zeenat Aman’s Instagram post
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