New Delhi: Zebronics on Tuesday launched a portable speaker ‘Zeb-Music Bomb X’ geared for outdoor enthusiasts, trekking, and camping. The wireless portable speaker is available in three colour variants Black, Red, Blue for Rs 2,299 during the Amazon Sale. The speaker is available at leading retail stores across India. Zeb-Music Bomb X as the speaker comes with RGB LED lights with 9 Modes including rhythmic LED so you can choose your preferred mode to rock the party. According to the company, the portable speaker has a very handy capsule design with controls for media, volume, and call function on the top. The portable speaker features a universal design: Can be kept in horizontal or in a vertical standing position. The speaker has dual 45mm drivers that are designed to produce powerful sound and have a long playback time of 20 hours with 4000mAh battery. Enjoy your pool parties or adventure activities without a fret as the speaker is IPX7 certified waterproof elevating your audio experience further. The speaker comes with ample multi-connectivity options like wireless BT/ Micro SD/ and AUX. It also has controls for media, volume and call function.