In a shocking incident, two men from the Shakya community were allegedly tonsured, garlanded with shoes, and paraded around a village in the Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh, police said. The incident took place on Monday in the Daboha village under Bhind Dehat police station and was done following a decision taken by the panchayat, an official said on Tuesday. Police, on being informed about the incident, rescued the two youths and took them to the police station where they were questioned by the Superintendent of Police (SP) and the District Collector.
SP Shailendra Singh Chouhan said that acting on the complaint of the victims, a case has been registered against six people. Two accused were arrested and were sent on judicial remand till October 31.
SP Chouhan told ANI that it is said that three men – Ramvir Shakya, Santosh Shakya and Dharmendra Shakya all residents of Daboha village were involved in a dispute with the accused Dilip Sharma. During a brawl, Ramvir, Santosh and Dharmendra hit Dilip on his head due to which he sustained serious injuries.
After this incident, Ramvir, Santosh and Dharmendra fled the village and a month and a half later, a person from the Shakya community identified as Hariram made a proposal on behalf of the trio to settle the dispute.
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