In Chandigarh, Youth Congress State President Budhiraja, along with CET and TGT candidates, was arrested outside the Haryana Assembly. The Youth Congress State President had gone to the Haryana Assembly to remind Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar of his commitment to complete 60 thousand government recruitments by 2023.
On Monday, Divyanshu Budhiraja, the Youth Congress State President, was taken into custody, along with a delegation of CET and TGT aspirants, as they reached the Haryana Assembly to remind the Chief Minister about his promise to unemployed youths. After the detention, Budhiraja and others were taken to the Sector 3 Chandigarh police station and were released after approximately four hours.
Budhiraja, accompanied by his supporters and TGT and CET aspirants, had visited the Assembly to remind Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar of the promise to fill 60,000 vacant posts in Haryana by December 2023. According to Budhiraja, he had sent letters to the MLAs of Haryana, urging them to remind the Chief Minister of his commitment to unemployed youth.
Budhiraja stated that the Chief Minister had promised to provide 60,000 government recruitments this year, including 32,000 for CET Group C, 13,536 for Group D, 7,471 for TGT, 6,000 for Haryana Police Constable, and other posts. In a press conference on Sunday, Mr. Budhiraja criticized the Haryana government for not filling the 60,000 vacant government jobs over several years. He also accused the Haryana Skill Employment Corporation Limited of acting as a hub for immigration, alleging that the government itself has become an agent.