In a tragic incident that unfolded on Tuesday evening around 7 pm in the Mukundgarh police station area of Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, two friends lost their lives in a devastating collision with a high-speed trailer. The victims, identified as Ranjan (28) from Jantwali (Laxmangarh) and Ankit (29) from Dhaka Ka Bas Tetara (Mandawa), were riding a bike when they were fatally crushed by the trailer at Porwal Circle on Mandi Laxmangarh Road.
The two young men, who were returning home after submitting documents for their B.Ed. internship at a local school tragically succumbed to their injuries on the spot. The driver of the trailer, responsible for the accident, fled the scene, abandoning the vehicle approximately 15 kilometres away. Authorities seized the trailer, now stationed at the local police station. The incident was captured by CCTV cameras installed in the vicinity, providing crucial evidence for the ongoing investigation. The police have identified the victims and conducted post-mortems at the Mukundgarh CHC morgue, subsequently handing over the bodies to the grieving relatives.
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