Mumbai: The sudden demise of actor Sushant Singh Rajput left shockwaves in Bollywood, leaving everyone with a heavy heart. The actor’s last movie, Dil Bechara, was released on the OTT platform just a few days ago and the movie has received immense support from the audience as well as critics. Bollywood actress Zareen Khan, who began her filmy journey with the movie Veer opposite Salman Khan, took to Instagram to share her thoughts regarding the film. Remembering Sushant, Zareen posted a short clip full of pictures of the late actor with a sweet message, “You will always be missed”, which played at the end of the movie, right before the end credits. She further said, “This was truly heartbreaking. I don’t have enough words to discuss what I am feeling right now. As I have said earlier too, my mind and heart are just not ready to accept that you are gone. Sushant, you are immortal as you will eternally be in our hearts.” Dil Bechara has been highly appreciated by everyone, and the late actor’s skill and talent have been lauded once again.
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