After actor Payal Ghosh accused filmmaker Anurag Kashyap of sexual harassment, the filmmaker’s ex-wife Kalki Koechlin came out in support of Kashyap. The Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani actor posted a tweet that the filmmaker continued to stand up for her integrity even after they got divorced. Kalki shared a tweet and said, “Trolls will continue to troll.” Further, in her note, she wrote “Dear Anurag, don’t let this social media circus get to you. You have fought for the freedom of women in your scripts. You’ve defended their integrity in your professional space as well as in your personal life. I have been witness to it. In the personal and professional space you have always seen me as your equal. You have stood up for my integrity even after our divorce and you have supported me when I felt unsafe in a work environment even before we got together.” The actor claimed that Kashyap always stood up for her when she felt unsafe at the workplace and that he has always fought for women’s freedom in his writing as well.
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