MUMBAI: Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna have completed 20 years of marital bliss on Sunday and the actor says she still makes his heart flutter. Akshay posted a picture along with Twinkle on Instagram. In the image, Akshay is seen sporting a white shirt while Twinkle is hugging the ‘Kesari’ star from the back dressed in a stunning royal blue ensemble. He captioned the image: “The surest I’ve ever been of a partnership…twenty years of togetherness and you still make my heart flutter and sometimes even drive me up the wall but then again I wouldn’t have it any other way coz a smile is never far when you are near…Happy anniversary Tina.”

 Twinkle dropped a red heart emoji in Akshay’s comment section. She also shared the same picture on Instagram and shared that Akshay is the beauty and the brawn in their marriage. She wrote: “You are the beauty and the brawn in this partnership and I can’t even say I am the brain, because you are smarter than me. We don’t need each other to be complete (that’s just a cliche from soppy ballads) but we want to have the other one around always and that is perhaps the only way it is meant to be. Happy Anniversary Mr K.” Akshay and Twinkle tied the knot in January 2001. 


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