Lucknow: The BJP won six seats in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly by-elections on Tuesday, while the Samajwadi Party managed to retain its lone seat in Malhani in Jaunpur, announced Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in a media interaction. Adityanath along with his deputies Keshav Maurya and Dinesh Sharma and state BJP President Swatantra Dev Singh reached the party office and congratulated the party workers on the victory. All the six seats belonged to the BJP even before the by-elections. According to Election Commission, the BJP won the by-elections in Nagawan Sadat, Bangarmau, Deoria, Bulandshahr, Ghatampur and Tundla seat. The Samajwadi Party retained its Malhani seat in Jaunpur, defeating independent candidate, Dhananjay Singh. Uttar Pradesh Minister Siddhartha Nath Singh said that the party’s victory in the by-election was a reflection of the working of the chief minister. Another state minister Mohsin Raza said that development would be further fast-tracked in the state under the leadership of Yogi Adityanath. Correspondent
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