Tollywood actor Yash has arrived in Hubballi and is en route to Gadag to meet the families of three fans who tragically lost their lives due to electrocution while setting up birthday banners for the actor. Today marks Yash’s birthday, and the fans had planned to install a cutout in Ambedkar Nagar during the night. Unfortunately, the large cutout made contact with an electric wire, resulting in the electrocution of the youth holding it, leading to the immediate death of three individuals.
According to the police, “Three youths were electrocuted in Karnataka’s Gadag district on Sunday night after a huge flex of actor Yash, which they were installing to wish his birthday, came into contact with the electric wire.” The incident occurred in Surangi village, Lakshmeshwar taluk.
The victims have been identified as Hanamanta Harijan (21), Murali Nadavinamani (20), and Naveen Ghazi (19). Three other individuals sustained serious injuries and are undergoing treatment at Lakshmeshwar Hospital.
Regarding the tragic incident, Yash expressed his condolences and is making efforts to meet the bereaved families. Meanwhile, in the Lakshmeshwar police station’s jurisdiction, preparations are underway to address the aftermath.
On a professional note, Yash’s upcoming film, ‘Toxic: A Fairy Tale of Grown-ups,’ directed by Geetu Mohandas, is set to be released in theaters on April 10, 2025. The movie is anticipated to be an action-packed film depicting the drug mafia’s backdrop.
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