South superstar Yash-starrer ‘KGF’ created quite a stir among the audience. People are eagerly waiting for the sequel of the blockbuster flm but due to the pandemic the shooting had to be put on hold. The team has recently resumed shooting. Yash is also all set to get back to the sets and is currently undergoing intensive training. “Yash is going the extra mile and has doubled up on his workout routines while preparing to get back on the sets of ‘KGF2’. His daily workout routine is broken down into different sets of exercises,” shares a source close to Yash. The source continues, “He starts his day around 6 am with half an hour of cardio. Following which he starts weight training and ab workouts that take up an hour and then another cardio session. He also works out in the evening with different exercises and heavyweight training, he is also on a very strict diet.”
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