Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal reminded Delhi residents who live in flood-affected regions to stay inside unless absolutely necessary, predicting that the Yamuna River’s water level will peak on Thursday between 3 and 4 pm and then begin to fall.
“I would like to request people to not step out if it is not essential and resort to Work from Home. We have closed the schools in affected areas. We are also trying to provide all facilities at the relief camps…As per the CWC (Central Water Commission) prediction, the peak (of river Yamuna’s water level) will reach by 3-4 pm today and it will then start going down,” Kejriwal told the sources.
He further informed that about 25 per cent water supply in the national capital has been affected due to the flood situation but assured that the water supply in these areas will restart by tomorrow.
“Right now the water level crossed 208.6 metre. It was not expected that the water would reach this level. Three of our water treatment plants have been shut down because water has entered the pump. After the water recedes, the machines will be dried and then started again so that current is generated. About 25 per cent water supply has been affected. We will be able to start water supply by tomorrow evening”, he told the sources.
Meanwhile, Delhi’s Directorate of Education has ordered all government and private schools in low-lying areas to close immediately where there is a danger of flood without waiting for orders.
“In view of the flood situation in Delhi, the Directorate of Education, Government of Delhi has ordered all government and private schools in low-lying areas to close immediately without waiting for orders where there is a danger of flood”, said a statement.
Chandgi Ram Akhada Chowk area of Delhi on Thursday witnessed severe flooding due to rise in the Yamuna waters. Several low-lying areas of the city are still under water as the water level in Yamuna continues to rise following heavy rainfall and the release of water from the Hathnikund Barrage in neighbouring Haryana.
Due to the rise in the water level of Yamuna and the resultant inundation of low-lying areas, traffic movement has been impaired in several places.
Further, according to official inputs, the movement of commercial vehicles will be regulated as non-destined commercial vehicles won’t be allowed to enter Delhi and will be diverted to the Eastern and Western Peripheral Expressways.