Actress Yami Gautam and director Aditya Dhar are preparing to embark on the journey of parenthood. The pair, who exchanged vows in 2021, revealed their pregnancy news during the trailer launch event of their upcoming film ‘Article 370’, scheduled for a worldwide theatrical release on February 23.
During interactions with the media, Aditya joyfully shared, “Our baby is on its way.” The announcement was met with widespread happiness, prompting fans to inundate social media platforms with congratulatory messages.
Social media users expressed their joy, with one commenting, “Wow…best news,” while another wrote, “God bless them. Congratulations.”
Reportedly, Yami is currently five-and-a-half months pregnant, with her expected delivery date set for May 2024. Despite her pregnancy, she radiated elegance at the ‘Article 370’ event, where several clips from the trailer launch captured her discreetly concealing her baby bump.
Yami and Aditya exchanged marital vows in an intimate ceremony on June 4, 2021, in Himachal Pradesh. Their collaboration dates back to the 2019 war-action film ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’.
The couple is anticipated to share the delightful news on their respective social media platforms in the near future.
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