‘Yaariyan 2’ is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language coming-of-age romantic drama film directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru. It is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar and Aayush Maheshwari under the banner of T-Series Films and Sapru Films Production. A stand alone sequel to the Yaariyan (2014) by Divya Khosla Kumar, it stars Khosla Kumar, Yash Dasgupta, Anaswara Rajan, Meezaan Jafri, Warina Hussain, Priya Prakash Varrier and Pearl V Puri. It is a remake of the 2014 Malayalam film Bangalore Days by Anjali Menon and marks the Hindi film debut of Yash Dasgupta, Pearl V Puri, and Anaswara Rajan.The cinematography is handled by Ravi Yadav and editing is by Abhishek Kumar Singh. The film revolves around the relationship between three cousins as they navigate through their difficulties in life. The film is being directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru who have previously directed the films Lucky: No Time for Love and Sanam Teri Kasam. The project was announced in October 2022 and at the time the studio had planned the movie for release in May 2023. In January 2023, T Series revealed the film would be released in October 2023. The first schedule of shooting happened in June 2022 in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. The second schedule of the shoot took place in Mumbai in 2022 which included filming at the Charni Road railway station overbridge. Parts of the film were shot in the United Kingdom, where Khosla Kumar suffered an injury while shooting an action sequence. A few of the scenes in the film were shot on the outskirts of Bengaluru. The first look poster for the film was released on August 09, 2023. Teaser of the film was released on August 10, 2023. The music for the film has been composed by Manan Bhardwaj, Khaalif, Rahim Shah and Yo Yo Honey Singh. Trailer of the film was released on 27 September 2023. ‘Yaariyan 2’ was released on 20 October 2023.
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