Actor Kanwar Dhillon, who has been a part of several TV shows, recently made his dewith a single. Titled ‘Yaad Baarish Main’, the song has been sung by Sonal Pradhan and Kanwar. She also plays the romantic lead opposite Kanwar in the video. Talking about it, Kanwar said, “‘Yaad Baarish Main’ is my first music video and I am excited about it. It’s a beautiful romantic number capturing sweet moments between a young couple. The single explores a romantic relationship and features Sonal, who has sung it with me.” He added, “The most exciting part was to get into an Army uniform for one of the sequences since my character is an Army man and plays an important part in the song.”
For Sonal, it has been a mesmerisng experience. Talking about working with Kanwar, she says “Kanwar is a very talented and hardworking actor, I did not feel that we are meeting for the first time. He is very friendly and supportive actor and guided me throughout the shoot”. “It’s my debut as an actor and seeing my fans connecting with the song and appreciating it I am on cloud nine. The theme of the song, it’s a sweet love story that revolves around a soldier and his wife. We can say it is a story of selfless and pure love, losing your love forever, pain and loneliness,” added Sonal.
On being an ardent admirer of Indian Army and being part of a song based on it, she said: “my all songs are soulful but yes, this song has been really special because while composing and dubbing it, I had an idea of it being from army background. We are big admirers of our Indian Army.”
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