NEW DELHI:Xiaomi on Wednesday expanded its Smart TV portfolio with the launch of 55-inch Mi QLED TV 4K at Rs 54,999 in the Indian market. The TV will go on sale on December 21 at 12 noon on, Mi Home, Flipkart, Vijay Sales and other retail stores. The TV supports HDR 10, HDR 10+, and Dolby Vision. It has a wide colour gamut with support for 100 per cent NTSC colour space and 95 per cent of the DCPI-3 colour space. The Mi QLED TV 4K has 30W of sound output and has 6 speakers (4 full-range drivers, 2 tweeters). It has a frequency range of 60-20KHz. For audio formats, it supports Dolby Audio and DTS-HD. The Smart TV runs on the MTK 9611 quad-core A55 CPU coupled with the Mali G52 MP2. It has 2GB RAM and 32GB storage and also supports Bluetooth 5.0.
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