Wrestler Sakshi Malik has disclosed new revelations amid the controversy within the Indian Wrestling Federation. She engaged in a press conference at Delhi’s Railway Colony in Paharganj. Sakshi informed that in the past two days, there has been renewed activity from Brijbhushan, along with a threatening call received by her mother, Sudesh. The call warned of a looming case against their family, indicating potential action following their opposition to Brijbhushan.
She expressed her intent to convey this for ensuring safety, highlighting it as the government’s responsibility. Since their confrontation with Brijbhushan began, there have been ongoing propaganda attempts, often painting it as a Haryana-UP conflict or even caste-related. Now, there’s a threat to their family.
Sakshi clarified that their issue wasn’t with the new federation but with Sanjay Singh. They have no issues with the new committee and even the Ad-Hoc committee poses no concerns. She continued to appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah to ensure no interference by Sanjay Singh in the federation, especially given his aggressive demeanor, for the safety of new budding athletes.
She announced her retirement on December 21 and welcomed the government’s suspension of the new federation. She highlighted Brijbhushan’s recent audacity in holding a National Championship in their home territory within two hours, displaying his influence. However, now, he’s alleging that they have deprived junior athletes of opportunities, a claim she refutes. She urged for the prompt announcement of the Under-15, Under-17, and Under-20 categories to safeguard the interests of junior athletes and prevent any harm caused due to their circumstances.