A WhatsApp conversation between Sushant’s Singh Rajput’s father K.K. Singh, actress Rhea Chakraborty and Sushant’s manager Shruti Modi has revealed that the actor’s father was worried for his son and had made an attempt to reach out to these two ladies to know about his son’s condition in November 2019.

The message which was exclusively accessed by The Daily Guardian read, “If you knew that I was Sushant’s father then why didn’t you talk? What is the matter? If you are taking care of Sushant as a friend and getting his treatment done then it’s my responsibility as well to know the whereabouts of my son. Call me and give me all the details.” Sushant’s father had sent this message in Hindi to Rhea Chakraborty at 12.34 pm on 29 November 2019. As per reports, K.K. Singh had also sent a message to Shruti Modi as well on the same day and had expressed his willingness to go to Mumbai and also asked to book his tickets. However, it has not been revealed whether these two ladies replied to his texts or not. Both Rhea and Shruti are now accused in an abetment to suicide case after Sushant’s demise.