Taking a dig at his former ally, BJP leader and Rajya Sabha member Sushil Kumar Modi tweeted, “Arunachal ke baad Manipur bhi JD-U mukt. Bahut jald laluji Bihar ko bhi JD-U mukt kar denge (After Arunachal, Manipur is also JD-U free. Laluji (RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav) will make Bihar also JD-U-free very soon.”
Five Manipur MLAs from Nitish Kumar’s party defected, dealing another blow to his plans to turn the Janata Dal (United) into a national party. This sparked a verbal battle between BJP and JD(U) leaders on Saturday. In a statement released on Friday, Manipur Assembly Secretary K Meghajit Singh stated that the Speaker was glad to approve the fusion of five JD(U) MLAs with the BJP in accordance with the Constitution’s tenth schedule. Sushil Kumar Modi on Manipur MLAs join the BJP in “JD(U)-mukt”
Then, Rajiv Ranjan Singh, better known as Lalan Singh, the head of the JD(U), fired back at Modi by reminding him that the party had defeated the BJP to win seats in both Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. Singh noted in a Facebook post that despite the prime minister holding 42 rallies, the BJP only won 53 of the 243 seats up for election in the Bihar Assembly in 2015. He claimed that by 2024, “jumlebaajs” would no longer exist in India.
Then, Rajiv Ranjan Singh, better known as Lalan Singh, the head of the JD(U), fired back at Modi by reminding him that the party had defeated the BJP to win seats in both Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. Singh noted in a Facebook post that despite the prime minister holding 42 rallies, the BJP only won 53 of the 243 seats up for election in the Bihar Assembly in 2015. He claimed that by 2024, “jumlebaajs” would no longer exist in India.
“Aapko toh yaad hoga 2015 mein pradhaanmantri ji ne 42 sabhaayein ki, tab jaakar 53 seat jeet paaye the. 2024 mein desh jumlebaajon se mukt hoga…..intezaar kijiye (You must remember that in 2015, the Prime Minister held 42 meetings, then only 53 seats could be won. In 2024, the country will be free from rhetoric… wait,” he wrote.
According to the reports, the JD(U) leader claimed that the BJP in Manipur used money power to convince his party’s MLAs to join it.
“They can do whatever they want, but JD(U) will become a national party by 2023,” he added.
Upendra Kushwaha, the head of the JD(U), claimed that the merger proved their earlier claim that the BJP was constantly attempting to destroy their party.
“Today, we’re against them, so their attacks will increase, but we are ready to face them,” Kushwaha said.
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