Despite the tall claims of better law and order by the police department, Haryana continues to witness a rise in crime against women which is an alarming situation. The data provided by the State women Commission, Haryana revealed that as many as 885 complaints had been received in a period of nearly five months from 1 April 2021 to 20 August 2021 and out of these, a sizable chunk of complaints fall in the category of a heinous crime like rape, kidnapping and murder etc. increasing the problems of the police department as well as the state government. It is pertinent to mention that nearly 64% of cases have been sorted out while the rest are under investigation. 

Out of the complaints mentioned above, Haryana saw nearly 12 rape cases a month and at least one every second day which is a matter of serious concern requiring the police department to tighten the noose against the hardcore criminals. Besides, women are easy prey in terms of domestic violence as a total of 126 incidents took place. Thus, the whole scenario clearly indicated that the women are not safe either at home or outside which raises questions on our law and order. Women continue to get hurt at the hands of their husbands or their family members and bringing such incidents to an end is the need of the hour. In this series, the women are being harassed mentally as well as physically continuously as the commission received a total of 173 complaints regarding the same. In view of this, the above-mentioned category constitutes more than 20% of total cases which depicts that how women are being tortured. 

In continuation to this, it is worth mentioning that a menace like a dowry system still prevails in this society and less than a period of five months, four women lost their lives due to this. Keeping in view the data, what comes out is that a total of 118 cases belong to this category and the same should be stopped immediately so that no woman loses her life in future. The data revealed that the state saw nearly 25 cases a month.

 Further, it is worth mentioning that women have filed complaints against the police personnel which is a matter of serious concern as the protection of the women is the responsibility of the police. Regarding the same, Preety Bhardwaj Dalal, Chairperson of the commission said that several complaints are against the police personnel and she had intimated the same to the home minister and other concerned officials of the department. She said the commission is putting its best to sort out the cases with transparency.

Apart from the above, the commission also received complaints pertaining to kidnapping, murder, sexual harassment and so on and so in the wake of the ongoing scenario, the police department needs to come up with a foolproof plan to control the crime against women.