An incident of rape has been reported in the capital city Jaipur, involving a woman from Bharatpur. The accused, a young man, allegedly exerted pressure on the victim to meet him to secure her job. Exploiting a pretext for a meeting, he summoned her to the roof and sexually assaulted her. When the woman resisted, the accused threatened to kill her.
Subsequently, the victim narrated the incident to her husband. Following this, the victim filed a First Information Report (FIR) against the accused man at the Jawahar Circle police station. The police registered the case and prompted an investigation.
According to the police statement, a 20-year-old woman from Bharatpur has lodged a complaint. In her statement, the woman indicated that both she and her husband are employed in the Jawahar Circle area. The accused, Ravi, also resides in the quarters provided to them. The woman alleges that Ravi had been pressuring her for the past month, threatening that she must come to him if she wanted to continue working.
On the night of Friday, the accused Ravi summoned her to the roof under the guise of a meeting. Upon reaching there, he forcefully subjected her to sexual assault and warned her of severe consequences if she resisted. However, when she resisted, the accused threatened to kill her.