A woman with her throat slit was found dead in her rented house in the Bawana area of the national capital on Wednesday, said police. The deceased has been identified as Upasna and her husband who is the prime suspect was also found hanging in Haryana’s Sonipat.  “We received a call of murder in Bawana Police Station that a woman was found dead with throat slit in a room. She was staying there on rent. Her husband was also found hanging in Sonipat. We are investigating the matter. The victim is Upasana 33-35 years and the accused is his husband Sanjay, who was found hanging in Sonipat,” said police.

According to police, Sanjay had been spotted with with the victim on Wednesday morning.

“Her husband is the suspect as of now as he was with the victim on the morning and later hanged himself in Sonipat. We are investigating on the basis of technical and human intelligence,” a senior police officer.