Residents and shopkeepers in Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar have expressed dismay over the deteriorating condition of the road alongside the BSNL exchange. The once-recarpeted road, now plagued with potholes, has become a safety concern for commuters, a mere two years after undergoing maintenance. This situation unfolds despite municipal corporation (MC) officials previously asserting that similar concrete roads should endure for a span of 10-15 years.
Commuters, especially those traveling from Sham Nagar, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, and Sunet, are grappling with potholes and noticeable degradation of the road’s surface. Balwant Singh, a resident of the area, highlighted the risks involved, stating, “The major pothole at the intersection poses a constant threat to commuters. I urge the civic authorities to conduct an inquiry into the recent deterioration of the road.”
Shopkeepers, such as Sonu, who has operated in the vicinity for a decade, voiced concerns about the road’s worsening condition. “Despite being recarpeted around two years ago, cracks have reappeared. I appeal to the state government to allocate public funds judiciously, considering the limited lifespan of such roads.”
In response to the growing complaints, Executive Engineer Surinder Singh has pledged action. He stated, “I will personally inspect the quality and condition of the road, alongside other officials, on Tuesday and take the necessary measures accordingly.