Bollywood actress Poonam Pandey (29) on Tuesday filed an FIR against her husband Sam Ahmed at South Goa’s Canacona police station. However, he got bail on Wednesday. In the FIR filed under Sections 323, 504, 354 and 506(ii) of the Indian Penal Code, the actress has alleged that the accused Sam Ahmed Bombay (46), her spouse, had assaulted and slapped her besides threatening her with dire consequences over a “personal dispute”.
The duo were married on 10 September this year. Bombay has been granted bail by a court in Goa after he was arrested for allegedly threatening and sexually harassing her, said the police.
Judicial magistrate first class Shanoor Audi granted bail to the accused on Tuesday evening on surety of Rs 20,000, an official said. The incident happened in Canacona village in south Goa where Pandey is currently shooting for a film, he said.
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