In the last twenty-four hours, India added 96,424 coronavirus cases, taking its tally past the 52-lakh mark. The number of cases in the country now stands at 52,14,678 including 10,17,754 active cases. India also reported 1,174 deaths linked to the virus, taking the total number of fatalities to 87,372.

India’s worst affected state Maharashtra registered 21,656 new coronavirus cases, 22,078 recoveries, and 405 deaths on Friday, taking total cases to 11,67,496 including 8,34,432 recoveries, 31,791 deaths, and 3,00,887 active cases. Meanwhile, India’s financial capital Mumbai’s coronavirus tally in the last twenty-four hours rose to 1,80,542 with 2,267 new cases, while 52 deaths took Mumbai’s toll to 8,372.

The total number of Covid-19 cases in Delhi rose to 2,38,828 with 4,127 new cases and 30 deaths report- ed on Friday. The number of active and recovered cases are 32,250 and 2,01,671, respectively. The death toll is at 4,907.

Looking at the individual tallies of different states, Haryana recorded 2,488 new cases of coronavirus, and 23 deaths in the last 24 hours. The state›s infection tally has now risen to 1,06,261, while the death toll has reached 1,092. The number of active cases stands at 21,291 in the state.

Punjab reported 2817 new Covid-19 cases, 2,645 recoveries, and 62 deaths in the last 24 hours. The total
number of cases in the state stands at 92,833 till date including 21,662 active cases, 68,463 discharged cases, and 2,708 deaths.

Uttarakhand reported 868 new Covid-19 cases in the last twenty-four hours. Total positive cases in the state are now 38,007 including 11,293 active cases, and 26,095 recovered cases.

Uttar Pradesh reported 98 more fatalities due to Covid-19, taking the death toll to 4,869, while 6,494 fresh cases took the infection tally to 3,42,788. The state now has 67,825 active Covid-19 cases, and 2,70,094 people have recovered from the disease till date.

Gujarat registered the highest single-day spike of 1,410 coronavirus cases in the last twenty-four hours. The state tally has climbed to 1,20,498. The death toll is at 3,289. The state’s capital Ahmedabad, which is among the worst-affected cities in India, reported 173 new cases, taking the tally to 34,581. The death toll in the city has risen to 1,791.

In West Bengal, the Covid-19 death count rose to 4,242 after 59 people succumbed to the virus in the last 24 hours. The state’s tally mounted to 2,18,772 with 3,192 fresh cases.

Rajasthan recorded eight more fatalities linked to the coronavirus in the last twenty-four hours, raising the death toll from the disease to 1,301 in the state. Rajasthan also reported 810 new cases, bringing the infection count to 1,10,283. A total of 18,282 people are currently under treatment for Covid-19 in Rajasthan.