Actor Emraan Hashmi on Monday shared his first look in the upcoming film, Harami. Sporting a salt-and-pepper look, Emraan sports long hair for his new role.

“Harami first look,” he captioned the Instagram image. Going by the comments, it seems most netizens are quite impressed by Emraan’s look.

“Love it emiiii,” actor Siddhant Kapoor commented.
“Love this look. Waiting for the movie,” another user wrote.

“Harami” is an Indo-American production written and directed by Shyam Madiraju. It is a saga of youth crime and broken destinies, love and redemption, played out against the vibrant backdrop of Mumbai. The film has also been selected to be a part of the main competition section (New Horizons) at Busan International Film Festival 2020.

Elated with the news, Emraan said: “”It was Shyam’s script that really attracted me to his project. His obsession with details was very contagious. Kudos to Shyam and his ‘Harami’ team for making it into the prestigious main com- petition section of the festival. It was a true passion project for all involved and I am look- ing forward to the day when we will be able to share the film with the Indian audience.”