Actress Anushka Sharma on Friday slammed veteran cricketer Sunil Gavaskar for accusing her of Virat Kohli’s dismaying performance during Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) vs Kings XI Punjab (KXIP) at the IPL. He later responded to the allegations. Anushka had shared an open letter shared on Instagram, ‘it is 2020 and things still haven’t changed for me’. She asked Gavaskar to explain making ‘such a sweeping statement on a wife accusing her for her husband’s game?’. She is sure he must have respected the private lives of every cricketer while commenting on the game but don’t they deserve equal respect? The actress continued, “When will I stop getting dragged into cricket and stop being used to pass sweeping comments.” She added that he is a legend whose name stands tall in the gentleman’s game.
“Where am I blaming her? Where am I being sexist in this? I am just stating what was seen in the video. That’s the only thing I am doing,” said Gavaskar to a news channel. He mentioned that the only time Virat was seen practising was during this video on the topic of players not having got enough opportunities to practice cricket in lockdown.
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