Ganesh Chaturthi, one of the most significant Hindu festivals, is set to commence on September 7, 2024, marking the beginning of a grand 10-day celebration known as Ganesh Utsav. This festival is dedicated to honoring Lord Ganesha, the beloved son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, and is celebrated with immense devotion and enthusiasm across India and by Hindu communities worldwide.

The Mythological Significance

According to Hindu mythology, it is believed that Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom, descends from his heavenly abode on Mount Kailash to visit his devotees on earth during this time. His annual visit, which lasts for ten days, is seen as an opportunity for devotees to seek his blessings, alleviate their sufferings, and ensure success in their endeavors.

The festival’s origins are rooted in ancient scriptures, with one popular story linking it to the transcription of the epic Mahabharata. Sage Vedavyasa is said to have called upon Lord Ganesha to write down the verses of the Mahabharata as he recited them. For ten days, Ganesha wrote tirelessly, and on the tenth day, known as Anant Chaturdashi, he cleansed himself in the Saraswati River. This act is believed to have established the tradition of the ten-day Ganesh Utsav, which culminates in the immersion of the Ganesha idol, symbolizing his return to Kailash.

Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Key Dates and Muhurat

In 2024, Ganesh Chaturthi falls on September 7, signaling the start of the festivities. The celebrations will conclude on September 17 with Ganesh Visarjan, where idols of Lord Ganesha are immersed in water bodies, marking his return to Kailash.

The auspicious period for installing the Ganesh idol, a key ritual during the festival, has been calculated according to the Hindu Panchang (calendar). The Chaturthi Tithi begins at 3:01 PM on September 6 and ends at 5:37 PM on September 7. The most favorable time for the midday Ganesh Puja is between 11:10 AM and 1:39 PM on September 7, offering devotees a 2-hour and 29-minute window to perform their prayers. It’s important to note that during this period, there is a forbidden time for moon sighting from 9:28 AM to 8:59 PM on September 7, as per media reports.

Celebrating with Devotion and Festivity

Ganesh Utsav is a time of immense joy and celebration. Devotees bring home beautifully crafted idols of Lord Ganesha, often accompanied by vibrant processions, traditional music, and elaborate decorations. Rituals are performed with great reverence, and the festival is marked by community gatherings, feasts, and cultural events.

During these ten days, the atmosphere is charged with devotion as people seek Lord Ganesha’s blessings for prosperity, wisdom, and happiness. This year, as Ganesh Chaturthi is observed on September 7, 2024, millions of devotees around the world will come together to celebrate, united in their faith and reverence for the beloved deity.