WhatsApp on Tuesday announced a new metro card recharge feature for Delhi Metro commuters across the Delhi NCR. Using the same ticketing and chatbot services, commuters can now access the metro card recharge service in both English and Hindi by sending ‘Hi’ to +91 96508 55800 or by scanning the QR code.

Within the chat window, users can recharge their metro cards using their preferred payment methods, including UPI, debit, and credit cards.

Ravi Garg, Director of Business Messaging at Meta in India, said that the metro pass recharge would enhance the travel experience for daily passengers. He remarked, “Introducing metro pass recharge via WhatsApp will revolutionise the commuting experience for everyday commuters who use the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC). Offering various payment methods to recharge the card, this integration builds on the success of our previously introduced QR ticketing systems, bringing us one step closer to our goal of simplifying transit for millions of people across the NCR.”

Users on Android and iOS can also quickly access the chatbot by tapping on the payments section on their WhatsApp. Powered by PeLocal, DMRC’s WhatsApp-based ticketing service is available across all lines in the Delhi National Capital Region, including the Gurugram Rapid Metro.

Last year, WhatsApp enabled the QR ticketing system across all DMRC routes, including the Gurugram Rapid Metro. The chatbot service provides passengers with instant information and support, including details on train schedules, fares, and station information.

In the last few months, several other states, including Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Nagpur, and Pune, have also integrated WhatsApp into their transport services, enabling a convenient transit experience for millions of commuters in these cities.