Union minister Anurag Thakur on Wednesday alleged that corruption is “breaking records” and the mafia is booming under the Bhagwant Mann government in Punjab, wondering what good has happened in the last year of the AAP dispensation. He also attacked the Mann government for allegedly failing to fulfil its poll promises and listed the Centre’s decisions for Punjab, like setting up new highways, approving a smart city in Jalandhar, opening the Kartarpur corridor, the ropeway project for Hemkunt Sahib, and forming SIT in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.
Addressing the media in Jalandhar ahead of the 10 May Lok Sabha bypoll, the information and broadcasting minister also attacked AAP national convenor and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for allegedly spending Rs 45 crore on renovation of his official residence and getting security cover in two states. “They (AAP) seek votes in the name of ‘aam aadmi’, but there is ‘loot ki khuli chhoot’ (open looting) in Delhi and Punjab. Corruption is breaking records, the mafia is booming. What good has happened in Punjab in the past one year?” Thakur asked. He accused the AAP of not keeping its promise of giving Rs 1,000 per month to all women. Raising the issue of law and order, Thakur said traders, sportspersons, and singers were being targeted. Touching on the issue of the alleged Delhi excise policy scam, Thakur said a Delhi minister is in jail in the case. “The day is not far when the kingpin of the liquor scam will also go,” he said, without naming anyone.