Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is set to tie the knot with 32-year-old Dr Gurpreet Kaur in Chandigarh on Thursday. CM Bhagwant Mann got divorced from his first wife in 2015. It is being said that Bhagwant Mann›s mother and sister wanted this marriage to happen.
At the age of 48, Bhagwant Mann will marry for the second time. The wedding ceremony will take place at his residence in a simple manner. Only family members will attend the wedding ceremony. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is also expected to attend the function. Bhagwant Mann will get married according to Sikh customs.
Dr Gurpreet Kaur belongs to a simple family. It is also being said that both the families have known each other for a long time. Dr Kaur is a Chandigarh-based practising Doctor.
Bhagwant Mann got divorced 6 years back and has two young children from his previous wedding. Both the kids attended Mann›s CM Oath ceremony and are residing in America with their mother.
AAP MP Raghav Chadha wished CM Mann a happy married life on Wednesday. Chadha responded to a Twitter user’s comment, “And one thought that Raghav Chadha was the most eligible bachelor in AAP”. To which, he said, “Chhote da number vadde ton baad hi aunda hai. Best wishes to my vadde veer Mann Saab and Dr Gurpreet Kaur for a happy and blessed married life.”
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